
When it came to how to make money, I didn’t have much guidance. I mean, I have seen other people work and I knew it was a thing but I had no idea how I would go about making it. I was working fast food in high school but I knew I didn’t want to do that forever. I didn’t want to stand on my feet all day. That gets tiring…does that make me lazy? I’d like to say it makes me motivated. 😂 In addition, I did not get the guidance to go to college or what I could do to become successful in my life. I really didn’t know why I hadn’t thought about it at all. I didn’t realize college was an option until it was too late. I had already skipped more than half of my classes for the past two years. WTH? I have to ATTEND class??? I was worried I wouldn’t graduate but I made it and then I was screwed because I hadn’t prepared to apply for college. You have to study for the ACT or SAT but like I said…I was not in school mode. Luckily I did so well the first two years of high school that my GPA was not bad. You have to work on your GPA and I didn’t know that at the time. I am writing this to give you a heads up about what is waiting for you in the real world, ready or not. It’s time to adult but what does that mean? I wonder if I grew up in a time when the internet was as casual as it is now and I came across this website and read everything, would I have done anything different in my life? I think it could have made my life somewhat easier but it all depends. You do what you want; I just wanted to bring awareness where it may be lacking. I am hoping that something registers in your mind and benefits YOU. Follow me on Instagram @povertyisamindset and yes, I will follow you back! This way you will find out when there is new advice I have heard about or experienced. Let me know if you hear or go through anything I can add here so we can make people smarter together!

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